
Listen, assess and evaluate

Every client is different and has individual needs requiring a recovery plan unique to them.

At Go Physio we listen, assess and evaluate, then provide specific treatment and supported recovery ranging from pain relief, right through to rehabilitation and prevention.

We specialize in musculoskeletal problems, which can involve injury to joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves.  Such injuries can occur from a variety of causes, such as a traumatic incident or sometimes from an accumulation and overload on the body over time, resulting in changes and a slower process of dysfunction and pain.

Self paying:

Anyone is welcome to contact us and arrange a physiotherapy appointment.  You don’t need a referral from another health professional.

You’ll find we offer a quality, competitively priced and personalised service, with the aim of assisting you back to good health as quickly as possible.

Private Health Insurance:

For treatments covered by health insurance we are usually able to invoice the insurance company directly for your treatment. This avoids up front payment and facilitates a smooth service for clients. Individual insurance policies cover different treatments, so check with your insurer to see if yours includes physiotherapy.

We are registered with a number of insurance companies including Bupa, AXA PPP, WPA, Pru-health, Norwich Union, AVIVA, Cigna. Let us know the name of your insurance company and we can liaise on your behalf.

Conditions commonly treated

Physiotherapy can help with a whole host of conditions, most commonly:

Back and neck pain (eg. sciatica, muscle spasm, slipped disc)

Acute and chronic joint pain (eg. arthritis, rheumatic disorders)

Sports injuries (eg, muscle strains, ligament sprains, cartilage injuries)

Work-related pain and postural disorders (eg. repetitive strain injuries, neck/back pain)

Whiplash disorders

Rehabilitation following surgery or fractures

Musculoskeletal imbalances or reduced mobility following trauma or surgery

Headache and migraine

For a first home visit appointment please contact us and we can discuss your needs further.

Contact us

What to expect

A personalised physiotherapy plan to achieve your specific goals.

As part of your personalised physiotherapy plan, on your first visit we will chat with you about your current problem and symptoms and how they are affecting your life and usual function.  We will perform a comprehensive physical assessment to fully understand and diagnose the issue.  From our assessment we will be able to identify the cause, and consider different treatment options with you to enable you to achieve your specific goals.  Follow up treatments will continue the process and any adjustments, based on how you present, can be made to the treatment plan for your recovery.

Physiotherapy treatments include:

As physiotherapists we use a variety of techniques including:

Joint and spinal mobilisation and manipulation

Soft tissue mobilisation/massage and release techniques

Exercise therapy and rehabilitation programmes

Ergonomic assessment and advice

Advice and education related to self-management of the condition


